RI Regions

Asia & Pacific


Joseph Kwan

Vice-President, Asia & Pacific

Maria Ferreira

Deputy Vice-President, Asia & Pacific

Chul Jae Lee

Deputy Vice President, Asia & Pacific

News & Events

Notice: RI Governing Assembly 2024

Notice is hereby given that the RI Governing Assembly 2024 will be held on September 22nd, 2024, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The RI Governing Assembly will be held in conjunction with the World Congress on Rehabilitation 2024.

Zhang Haidi attends RI executive committee meeting in Qingdao

By Wang Yanfang Intro: Zhang Haidi, president of Rehabilitation International, presided over the organization's executive committee meeting in Qingdao on May 28 and delivered a speech. The unveiling ceremony for a cooperative research center and autism research center...

University of Rehabilitation Science officially opens

By Wang Yanfang Intro: After almost a decade of effort, the University of Rehabilitation Science, proposed by Zhang Haidi, president of Rehabilitation International (RI), has officially opened. The University of Rehabilitation Science [uor.edu.cn] After almost a...

Everything about us with us

By Wang Yanfang Intro: Zhang Haidi, president of Rehabilitation International (RI) and former chairperson of China Disabled Persons' Federation (CDPF), delivered a speech at the annual high-level panel discussion on human rights mainstreaming at the 55th session of...

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Make a difference in the lives of disabled people around the world. RI welcomes new opportunities to expand its own capacities through collaboration with other organizations.

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