The United States International Council on Disabilities’ (USICD) Improving DPO Stakeholder’s Understanding and Monitoring of Disability Inclusive Development and Advancing the Implementation of CRPD Article 32 project provides accessible, high quality online training to advance implementation of Article 32 of the CRPD and covers specific models of disability inclusive development in multiple sectors. The overall goal of the project was to ensure that all individuals, including those with disabilities, can actively participate and benefit from donor supported international development and humanitarian aid projects.

The project began in March 2020 and concluded in December 2021. The targeted audience for the training is government personnel, disabled peoples’ organizations, civil society organizations and CRPD reporting or shadow report training personnel. With the COVID-19 pandemic and global travel restrictions being implemented, the decision was made that the intended project pilot would shift from a face-to-face pilot to an online pilot.
USICD produced 16 training lessons on Article 32 ( The topics covered in the course are:
- Article 32 and its Obligation to Advance Disability Inclusive Development Through the CRPD
- Monitoring Disability Development and Other CRPD Obligations
- Identification for Development and Persons with Disabilities
- Article 32 and the Right to an Education (Article 24)
- Inclusive Vocational Education and Training (VET) Practices
- Greater Disability Inclusion in ICT: Assessing Article 32 Implementation
- Article 32 & Article 27 Work & Employment
- Right to Health for Persons with Disabilities
- HIV and AIDS in Disability Inclusive Development
- Inclusive Health: Disability Inclusion in COVID19 Response in the Dimension of International
- Development
- Disability Inclusive WASH: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene as an Element of Article 32
- CRPD Article 11 & Disability Inclusive Humanitarian Action
- CRPD & Climate Change Impact on People with Disabilities
- Election Access and International Cooperation Programs
- Access to Justice & the CRPD
- Women and Girls with Disabilities
- CRPD Article 30 Participation in Sport & Recreation & Article 32
Each lesson in the course includes closed captions and audio. Additional materials are included in the materials section in each lesson. The PowerPoint version of each lesson is available for downloading so that they can be customized for participant’s training purposes. There are plans to translate the first three lessons of the course into 3-4 languages.
At the course level, participants can download a Facilitator’s Guide, Reporting Guidance for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs): Tips for Reporting on Disability Inclusive Development and Implementation of Article 32 of the CRPD, and Reporting Guidance for States Parties: Tips for Reporting on Disability Inclusive Development and Implementation of Article 32 of the CRPD.
“For someone who is not well versed in the CRPD, the modules offered an interactive way to quickly learn about how the CRPD protects a person with disabilities in a variety of aspects, and the way in which the modules were categorized was great!”